viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Welcome! - The Months

Hi everyone,

Welcome to this blog which as you may guess, I'll try to do my best so you can learn to speak spanish, this was inspired on Lucy, Harriet, Rick and Ryan, all english friends I met during the time they spent here in Buenos Aires, and wanted to learn the language.  As I told them, I never really studied english in a formal way but that was possible because there's a lot more of resources to learn english and the spread the language has worldwide. So.. this blog is an attempt to shrink that gap a little, and to keep the communication channel open.

Comment the posts with any questions you may have o requests for speaking specific words or phrases I´ll post it whenever I have time. I think I´ll be updating this thing twice a week so keep coming if you find it interesting.


The fun thing about learning languages is talking, so for each lesson I'll post some video so you can practice.  Those who had the displeasure of listening to my voice, know that it is truly awful so luckyly for you my friend Melisa accepted to help me with the videos.

So there it goes before I dull you.

These are the months, spelled by sillabe in a karaoke way.

The focus of the lessons will be informal talking, specifically from Buenos Aires but I´ll make the distinction whenever necessary (and if I know it). The first thing I could say about this in this video, is the difference in the pronunciation of the Y (May, Mayo) that in Buenos Aires it would be like your SH, like in Shallow and the rest of Latin America and Spain would be a plain E.

Another one: the Z in Argentina sounds the same as the S (like you just heard in Marzo), to get the sound of Spanish Z you have to say it while bitting your tongue (yes, really)

It'll make more sense when I post the vowels on the next post.

By for now, hope you liked it.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola,

    Queria usar este video en la clase, pero no hay aceso al internet. Es posible recibir el archivo?
